Dezastrele lui 2013 – Mâna omului, mânia lui Dumnezeu sau un pic din ambele?

Dezastrele lui 2013 – Mâna omului, mânia lui Dumnezeu sau un pic din ambele?

dezastrenaturale (Foto:

 Sfârşitul fiecărui an aduce în prim-plan topuri şi clasamente despre evenimentele bune şi rele ale ultimelor 12 luni. La capitolul dezastre naturale, 2013 a fost un an plin în Europa, SUA şi Asia: uragane, inundaţii devastatoare, taifunuri, de câteva ori lovind de două ori în acelaşi loc sau în aceeaşi regiune. Însă în timp ce companiile de asigurări notează în dreptul despăgubirilor de acest tip „acţiuni divine”omul nu este chiar nevinovat de ceea ce se abate asupra lui.

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Happy 4th of JULY !!!

„STRAINISICALATORI” va ureaza :Happy 4th of JULY !!!   &   La Multi Ani AMERICA !!!

Nu prea multi „mici” ca sa nu dati in imbuibare….Caci betivul si cel ce se deda la imbuibare saracesc, si atipirea te face sa porti zdrente. (Prov.23:21)





Obama a citit din Biblie în mijlocul ruinelor de după uraganul din statul  Oklahoma

La o săptămână după tornada devastatoare din  statul american Oklahoma, președintele american Barack Obama a vizitat zonele  cele mai afectate. Continuă lectura




blogul lui "DUTU"

blogul lui „DUTU”


La noi, un bou dac-ai furat

Ajungi la zdup; dar ce sinistru

Ca daca furi un doctorat

Ai sanse s-ajungi prim-ministru!


La Jilava mai incap

Multi excroci dar, evident,

Romanasul prost la cap

Ii trimite-n Parlament!

Only in Romania:

Guvernantii actuali

Sint de-a dreptul incredibili:

Unii sint niste ‘penali’

Restul, doar… ‘penibili’!


La Bellu, sub cruci de ciment

Doarme Cosbuc si Eminescu

Iar mai la vale-n Parlament

Doarme… Crin Antonescu!


(unor politicieni de vita veche care nu se straduiesc sa invete o limba mai …occidentala 🙂

Era, demult, “moda” la noi

Sa “gavariti” ca si Tolstoi…

Acum, ca-s alte vremi, nu strica

Sa “speak-uti” ca… Secspirica!


Azi, romanii stau, holbati,

La telenovele…

Si-au schimbat, emancipati,

Doina pe manele!


(A-propos de BOR si comertul cu oase)

Moastele, cu siguranta

Rezolva doleante:

Unora le-aduc speranta

Iar BOR-ului– finante!


“Noi vrem pamint” – strigau taranii, pe la 1907!

Cind l-au primit, prin ‘91, urmasii bravilor plugari

S-au apucat virtos de treaba, s-au pus, ambitiosi, pe fapte,

Si-al… ALTORA pamint lucreaza ai Europei capsunari!


(Lui CV Tudor – europarlamentar roman caruia i s-a taiat microfonul in citeva rinduri si care vrea sa profite de pe urma imunitatii sale parlamentare)

Cind mai vorbeste-al nost’ tribun

La Bruxelles – toata lumea stie

Ca dumnealui este imun

Chiar si la propria-i prostie!

Gigi Becali

La Bruxelles, unde iau parte

Doar parlamentari cu carte,

Tara mea-i reprezentata

Si de-un mirlan cu cravata!

Catedrala Mantuirii Neamului

Orisice mirean ghiceste

Rostul astei Catedrale:

Prin ea BOR-ul mantuieste

Neamul nostru de… parale!

Dribling rutier

(a –propos de modul iresponsabil cu
care unii posesori de autoturisme ‘vestice’ fac slalom pe soselele Romaniei:

Pe drumurile de la noi

Ne pasc primejdii foarte mari

Precum un lenes car cu boi

Sau un Audi cu magari!

Spre casa…

Gonesc, contra cronometru

Soferii agresivi si rai!

Si-n loc s-ajung la Singeorz Bai

Mai-mai s-ajung la Sintu’ Petru!

Pacate domnesti

(a-propos de diploma de doctor a premierului roman)

Plesuvul nostru marinar

Injura mult, ca un birjar

Dar Ponta e mai rafinat:

El e doar hot… hot “diplomat”!

La televizor

(A-propos de limbajul unor personalitati TV)

Canalul daca l-am schimbat

Si-aud limbaj de derbedei

Exclam, vizibil afectat:

Ptiu! Iar am dat de-Antena 3!

La o benzinarie (unde am vazut cu ochii mei ca pretul benzinei e de doua ori mai mare ca-n America)

“Cum sa poti trai decent ?”

Mi se plingea un unches –

“Cu preturi ca-n Occident

Si salar de Bangladesh??”

Sursa =f-book



How Old is Grandpa?

How Old is Grandpa?


Stay with this – the answer is at the end. It may blow you away.One evening

a grandsonwas

talking to his grandfather

about current events. The grandson

asked his grandfather what hethought about the shootings at schools, the

computer age, andjust things in general..

The Grandfather replied, „Well, let me think a minute, I was born before:
Frisbees and

There were no:
laser beams or
Man had not
air conditioners
clothes dryers
and the clotheswere hung out to dryin the fresh air and

‘ space travel was only in Flash Gordon books.

Your Grandmother and I got married first,and then lived together..
Every family had a fatherand a mother.
Until I was 25, I called every man
older than me, „Sir”. And after I turned 25, I still calledpolicemen and every man witha title, „Sir.”
We were before gay-rights,
computer-dating, dual careers,daycare centers, and group therapy.
Our lives were governed by the The Bible, good judgment,
and common sense.
We were taught to know the
difference between right and wrongand to stand up

and take responsibilityfor our actions.
Serving your country was a privilege; living
in this country was a bigger privilege…
We thought fast food was eating half a biscuit while running to catch the school bus.

Having a meaningful relationshipmeant getting along with your cousins.
Draft dodgers were those who closed frontdoors as the evening breeze started.
Time-sharing meant time the familyspent together in the eveningsand weekends-

not purchasing condominiums.

We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny,and the President’s speeches on our radios.
And I don’t ever remember any kid blowinghis brains out listening to Tommy Dorsey.
If you saw anything with ‘Made in Japan’on it, it was junk
The term ‘making out’ referred to how
you did on your school exam….
Pizza Hut, McDonald’s,
and instant coffee were unheard of.
We had 5 &10-cent stores where you
could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.
Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar,
and a Pepsi were all a nickel.
And if you didn’t want to splurge, you could
spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letterand 2 postcards.
You could buy a new Ford Coupe for $600, . .. .
but who could afford one?
Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.

In my day:
„grass”was mowed,
„coke” was a cold drink,
„pot” was something yourmother cooked in and
„rock music” wasyour grandmother’s lullaby. ‘„Aids” werehelpers in the Principal’s office,
„chip” meanta piece of wood,
„hardware”was found in a hardware store and
‘ „software” wasn’t even a word.

And we were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.
No wonder people call us „old and confused” and say there is a generation gap.
How old do you think I am? I bet you have this old man in mind….you are in for a shock! Read on to
see – pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at the same time.

Are you  ready ????? . . . ..

This man would be only 59 years old!!


***Use what you want, but give credit where credit is due. ***

